Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ben My Hero

The other night Ben and I were driving down Main Street at about 10:30 pm and Ben looks over and says did you see that? I look to my right and there is a guy all alone laying face down on the side walk seizuring.  Ben quickly pulls over and we get out of the car and walk towards him  Ben asks the man a couple times if he was ok.  The guy was just staring off into space and his face was laying in puke.  Ben calls 911 and then the guy trys to stand up, his legs look like noodles and he is all wobbly, Ben tells him to stay lying down and that everything will be ok, but the guy walks towards him and grabs Ben's arm and starts giving him and Indian burn and then starts kicking him, the guy seems really out of it and Ben said that he was way weak.  So now Ben is on the phone with the police in one hand and using the other hand to hold off this crazy man.  I start freaking out (inside, I tried to keep my cool on the outside :) ).  I decide I would be safest in the car so I made my way back to the car.  As I am on my way back to the car the guy runs around the corner and goes behind a store.  Ben is still on the phone with 911 and follows the guy to keep an eye on him.  Eventually the guy comes back out from behind the store and Ben asks him if he was ok.  The guy seems a little more coherant now and says to Ben "what are you talking about?".  Ben told him how he was laying on the sidewalk and then started to attack him and the guy was surprised and said he didn't remember any of it.  The guy was acting really weird and Ben said he didn't smell like he was drunk or anything, but the guy had something in his pocket that he pulled out and showed Ben called "Sell Food" we aren't sure if that was what made the guy go all weird but that's our guess.  Just a few seconds later the police showed up, as well as an ambulance and a fire truck.  The EMTs put the guy in the ambulance while the police questioned Ben about what happened and then we were off.  I was scared to death, but Ben kept his cool the entire time and was so brave to pull over to help this man when no one else driving by would.  I am so proud of Ben for being such a brave hero, he probably saved the guys life!

1 comment:

Ryan and Sam said...

Way to be a good Samaritan Ben, I don't know if I would have had the guts to help the poor guy. You always have been more intune with reaching out to those around you and lifting their spirits with your love. It's one of your greatest gifts, or so that's what I think. I love you and I am so glad you are my brother and so glad that the sick man didn't hurt you. I love you! Happy Birthday tomorrow.(14th) Love, Sam