Saturday, November 6, 2010


Kai Benjamin
October 21, 2010
12:29 am
7 lb 5 oz
On Wednesday, October 20th I woke up at about 4am with some bad back labor, I had been having that for the past couple of weeks so I didn't think anything of it since I didn't want to get my hopes up.  The pain never went away and I decided to not go into work that day and just lay around.  I had a doctor's appointment that day at 1pm and as it was getting closer I had what I thought was contractions.  I never really felt my tummy tighten I just felt intense pain that would last for a few seconds and come every few minutes so I was guessing it was a contraction.  I decided to get my hospital bag ready for my doctor's appointment, hoping when the doctor checked me she would say I could be admitted to the hospital.  Ben and I went to my appointment and I was still only dilated to a 1.  I was so disappointed, I couldn't believe that after feeling like that all day long I was not progressing at all.  Well when I got home from my appointment I decided to start timing my contractions and they were coming every 5 minutes, I waited for another 3 hours till they were coming every 2-3 minutes and at about 6pm Ben and I went to the hospital.  When I got there I was dilated to a 3 and by 11pm I was dilated to a 10 and started pushing at 12:00 am and only had to push for 15 minutes.  I couldn't have asked for a better labor and delivery.  Everything went so smoothly and quick!

By about 3 am the nurse took our cute little baby Kai to the nursery.  The nurse came in around 5 or 6 am and told us that Kai was turning gray with blue lips so they gave him some oxygen.  Oxygen saturation is supposed to be anywhere from 90 - 100 and his was dropping as low as 65.  They brought him into me and I got to cuddle with him skin to skin for a few moments, I will never forget those few minutes I had with him, I had the whole world in my arms.  After I got to hold him for a few minutes they took him to the NICU where he spent the next 4 days.  To make a long story a little bit shorter they later found he had an infection in his lungs, but luckily when he was admitted to the NICU they immediately hooked him up to some antibiotics to be on the safe side.  It was so nice to finally get him unhooked from all his wires and take him home with us.

Kai has been such a joy in our life already and Ben and I are both so happy he is now part of our lives.  We love you Kai!


Andrea Stocks said...

Finally! :) He's so cute! I love him.

Matt and Laura said...

He is so sweet! I'm glad he is nice and healthy now and you are all home together. Congratulations!! Give him a hug for me.

Devin and Jaclyn Stutz said...

I am glad everything went well during your labor. He is so cute. You guys make such cute parents. Congrats!