Wednesday, January 26, 2011

3 Months and Growing Fast

I can't believe how fast time goes by when you have a little baby around.  Kai has been such a joy in Ben and my life and it has been so much fun watching him grow and develop and to see his little personality start to shine.

Kai has been a good sleeper since the beginning.  By his 2nd or 3rd week he would sleep about 5 - 6 hours at night, Around 2 months he would sleep anywhere from 6-8 hours but he wasn't very consistent with the full 8 hours.  He is now sleeping about 9 - 10 hours at night and it is pretty consistent, the only time he does wake up before then is if he has a stuffy nose, a wet diaper, or is cold; and once we fix the problem he is right back to sleep! 

Although he may be a good sleeper he isn't the best eater.  Feeding Kai fills up a good majority of my day. Since Kai hasn't been able to get enough while breastfeeding I have been pumping and bottle feeding him.  Pumping takes 30 minutes, and bottle feeding takes him sometime up to an hour long.  He has been getting better at it though.  He has finished a bottle in as little time as 15 minutes, but that is pretty rare.  My goal is to not stop pumping before 6 months and if I can handle it I would like to go until he is 9 months, it has definitely become easier since his feedings are now more spread out so hopefully I will be able to last until he is 9 months old.

Kai is such a flirt, if you give him the time of day he will tell you all kinds of stories.  He is extremely smiley and if you get it just right you can get him to giggle.  He is very patient and knows just what to do to melt his mom and dad's heart.  He loves to stand up and he definitely prefers sitting up instead of laying down now.  He is always trying to lift his head when you have him laying down.  Kai turns into a chatty bird when he gets sleepy, it is so cute!  He gets kind of a whiny sound to his voice and he pulls sad faces but never cries, he just acts sad, that is my cue to give him his bink and lay him down. He loves falling asleep with something close to his face, like his stuffed animals.  I will have to get a picture of him falling asleep while he pets his stuffed animals and rubs his face against them, it is so sweet!

I couldn't ask for a better job!

This is Kai giving me his sad story before he falls asleep.

He has no chance to be anything but a nerd because he of course is Ben and my son, sorry Kai.


Devin and Jaclyn Stutz said...

I am glad he is a good sleeper for you. Weston was a good sleeper but is going through a rotten streak right now. He sure is a beautiful baby.

Andrea Stocks said...

He is so cute!

Gerbers said...

He is a cutie! Time sure does seem to fly! What kind of pump do you have? Thirty minutes seems like a long time. I have the Medela Pump in Style and it only takes about 10 minutes max. Of course, all women are different but maybe it's something to check into. Just a side note just in case you didn't already know this, I don't know what insurance you have but some insurances will reimburse you for a pump. Blue Cross, Blue Shield reimbursed us for 80% of my electric pump so maybe that would be an option. Good luck! Call me if you have any questions. :)

Gerbers said...

P.S. This is Anita, not Robbie! :)

Matt and Laura said...

What a good little sleeper- I am jealous!! He is adorable! I love his little tired pout! Good luck with the eating- we still have to fight McKay to eat. Thanks for putting up new pictures.

Ryan and Sam said...

He is too cute! His nerd face looks like Bens'. Hee! hee! He needs to come over and play sometime...
love ya!

Courtney said...

So cute! I can't wait to meet the little guy. Way to go with pumping! I hope that goes ok for you. Way to be patient.