Tuesday, May 31, 2011

6 Month Pictures / 7 Month update

Kai is actually 7 months now, but below are the pictures he got at 6 months, I had a hard time narrowing it down, so enjoy the millions of pictures. 

Isn't he just the cutest?  I can't get enough of this little guy!  He has the sweetest little eyes, they may appear dark brown at first but if you really look at them they are a dark green with a blue circle around the rim, and a golden brown/yellow in the very center next to the pupil.  My sister Jamie has eyes like this except they are extremely bright so the different colors really stand out.  Kai's eyes are more mysterious ;)
This little boy is full of smiles, sweet kisses, and giggles.  He is a happy baby with the occasional breakdowns...mostly at nap time.  He loves playing with his toys, I can set him down on the floor surrounded by toys and he is entertained for a long time.  He still isn't the best eater, he can take a bottle like a champ but solids have been a challenge.  One day I am sure he will LOVE food, he has to, he has me and Ben for parents.
Kai is starting to become more mobile, he walks holding our hands (more like prances), and he manages to roll around and reach for most of the things he wants on the floor.  He get's pretty frustrated when he sees what he wants but doesn't know how to get to it.  He is starting to get up on his knees and hands for a few seconds and I am sure crawling isn't far behind, I'm enjoying his fairly immobile stage for the time being.

Our little social butterfly loves to chat and smile with people he doesn't know, he's kind of a show off that way, but it's pretty dang cute.  He likes to be involved and see what's going on.  He is starting to recognize emotions and has become my little guard puppy.  Ben was playing around and picked me up and carried me away, and I apparently appeared in distress.  Kai would have none of it and was extremely concerned for my well being.  What a cutie he is :)
I love you Kai and I can't wait to get to know you even more!


Alisha said...

ahhh so dang cute!!!!!!! I miss this little man :/

Matt and Laura said...

I love all the pictures!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who can never just post one picture- there are just too many cute ones to pick one! He is growing up fast and is so handsome.

Courtney said...

What a handsome little guy! We can't wait to meet him!

Devin and Jaclyn Stutz said...

He is so adorable! I just want to kiss his face off and he isn't even my baby. I glad he is such a good baby. Those are the kinds you want to have. Yes enjoy his immobleness (I think I just made that word up)while you can. Because once it's gone it's gone.

Kim said...

I don't think this kid could get any cuter!!! ;-) Love this pictures Ang!