Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Kai's Birthday

Our little guy turned 1!  
When he woke up he walked into the family room and started heading for the kitchen but his activity table we got him for his birthday caught his eye and he turned and went right to it.  He played with it forever until we finally made him go eat breakfast.  He loves making the music turn on, then he goes and dances until it turns off, then he goes and starts all over.

Here he is trying to blow out his candle before we even got it to him.  This was the only time he tried to blow his candle out.  We couldn't get him to do it for his birthday cake or at his birthday party.

This is Kai blowing his candle out, it was so cute!

Kai's play group went to the Farm on his Birthday, which I thought would be the perfect activity for him. He enjoyed looking at all the animals, but thought they were all dogs and he did his "whoof" noise the entire time we were there.  You can see in this picture his lips are pursed saying it :)

"Here chicky chicky!"

He loves to play in the dirt and rocks.  Here is his all-boy dirty face.

He was actually pretty good at opeing his gifts, but this is the only picture I have of him with his present.  He got his activity table in the morning and a touch and feel book and bath tub boat after dinner.

Here is his really cute cake he got from Cold Stone.  I was really happy with how it turned out.  Kai really likes ice cream so I thought this cake was fitting.

I thought this picture was SO FUNNY!
Scared of the smoke I guess :)

Sugar rush!

Food Coma...

1 comment:

Andrea Stocks said...

What a cute little Kai! I can't believe he's one already.