Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's been a while...

It has been a while so I will try to re-cap the month of March in pictures and a few captions.  Warning: CONTENT OVERLOAD!

So as you may know Kai has struggled with textures which is the main reason why feeding this little guy is such a challenge.  My good ole' friend that has given me some advice on how to help him overcome his aversions recommended exposing Kai to as many textures as possible.  We tried play dough, which is still a no go, in fact he gags when he feels it and shows fear and anxiety when he just sees it.  I bought some awesome magic wonder finger paints that only show up on the magic wonder paper and it took him a couple tries to catch on but here he is with what I consider an amazing breakthrough playing with gooey finger paints. Yay! 

My awesome husband winning the Preston, ID Alumni Basketball Championship for the 4th time.  Kai was a real treat at the all day basketball games.

 Aunt Jamie giving Kai is fist hair cut.  He wasn't a fan.

My two nerds playing on the computers.

I was pretty excited this year to buy Kai is first snow suit and to take him out to play in the snow, because seriously what kid doesn't love the snow...well this kid doesn't.  Poor thing hated the feel of snow.

If you look close I think you can see a smile in this picture.

Learning to slide down the big slide all by himself. I love the last picture of him on the slide, you can see the wind blowing back his 5 hairs that he has :)

Sporting Mom's purse around like a diva.

My crazy babysitting day.  Don't worry I had two little babies also but they were napping during this picture.  Note to self, don't have 7 children.

To end the month of March I celebrated my 24th birthday.  As usual Ben did not disappoint and spoiled me rotten.  It's a sad truth but Ben's birthday is right before Christmas when we strap down with money and my birthday just happens to be right around tax return time.  Needless to say he always finds a way to out do himself from the year before.  This year he took me on an all day shopping spree with my sisters.  On my actual birthday we went to lunch with family to my favorite place here in Logan, Cafe Sabor.  Afterward we headed back to our house and watched Kai and all the other kids ride the little bike down the driveway.

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